So I am running a little behind here but the twenty first Dillon turned seven months, hard to believe it. In honor of him turning seven months I wanted to make a list of the things that have made our first seven months easier.
1) Playtex ventaire bottles, easy to clean and work just as good as dr browns.
2) A good bouncer, preferably one that sings, Dillon loves to bounce in his which leaves me with time to get things done
3) Pampers and huggies really are worth the money, I cannot stress enough use COUPONS!
4) Gerber juices can really help with constipation when your little one is in thaat inbetween stage and cannot eat solids, they make white grape and pear.
5) Always have a spare passy, and passy strap
6) You can buy buggy wipes and passy wipes at walmart or drug stores, they just might save your sanity.
7) Burp clothes, use cloth diapers if you have a little spitter they are the most absorbent.
Most of all every baby is different so you will learn as you go but always listen to your maternal instinct, it is there for a reason. I keep procrastinating but I am hoping to take an infant cpr course and I personally think this is of upmost importance.
Oh and another new find for me is wipeable bibs, boy they have saved my washer and dryer from being run ragid.