Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ditching the seven year itch and my thoughts

Ok so there you have it as far as verses and links now for my actual post and thoughts. In one of the links about the significance of the number seven it says a musician rest after seven notes before beginning again on note eight so the musician does not give up or bow out he begins again. In marriage every year is a call for a new beginning, a call for new challenges and new celebrations and we must rest when weary but not sacrifice ourself over to other things or people when we get tired.

It also says in the same link that seven in biblical terms signifies completeness I beg the question then when has the Lord ever called something complete and stopped his work and  I know what your thinking(the sabbath) but if I recall yes he rested but that did not signify his end of creation but a beginning that would include Adam and eve, sin and the fall, Noah and the ark, God does not quit and niether should we.At Christ death he proclaimed, "It is finished" but did he stop there, no then we see the ressurection, Thomas learning to beleive, and us now learning to trust when marraiges slow and trouble comes. So I have to say Seven is a number that means complete but if I have proved at all above that complete does not mean done, complete does not mean give up, have an affair, throw out your beleifs. In our spirtual and earthly relationships we hang on despite all circumstances, we love when the person seems unlovable, graee does not give up but has new mercies everyday. I have to think that the verse I shared from proverbs about when trouble comes is not a mockery of the weak but instead a challenge, a challenge to fall down and get back up. I end with saying that I have heard it said pride comes before a fall and I hope this knowledge or lesson I am learning does not reveal itself in pride but the humility of knowing that my marriage as any other can resolve quickly but I hope and pray that in the face of trouble God has taught us that we do not let complete mean its over but that complete would mean a new start. So here is to seven years and more.

Ditching the seven year itch! Continued

Once again my smart phone cuts me off.

A link about the number seven in conjuction with the bible and other fun facts

Now with a one year old in tow I did not check all of these for accuracy!

Proverbs 24:10 If you give up when trouble comes it shows you are weak

Proverbs 24:16 Even though good people may be bothered by trouble seven times they are never defeated but the wicked are overwhelmed by trouble.

Marriage will always ask you to prove love. To be married is not to be taken off the front lines of love but to be plunged into the thick and thin of ups and downs(From Diamonds in the Dust by Joni Eareckson Tada)

Ditching the seven year itch!

So recently we celebrated our six year marriage anniversary which I feel is quite an accomplishment for us. Its not the big 50 or anything but hey its still great. Since celebrating last weeekend we have heard numerous people including the message at church on Sundays say something about the seven year itch in marriages. I of course googled it, thats where all go right. Well I felt lead by the Lord to research more on the number seven as most know it is widely used in the bible. Part of the reason for this post is that I hate labels, no one can label my marriage with just seven years!

Here are the links and verses I found in my research

A link about the seven year itch and its origin:

Seven year itch

Monday, June 13, 2011

I cannot figure out how to post pictures on here anymore, not sure why but anyway Dillon got a sandbox from his Grandma, he loves it. Usually we have to wait until after five or so in the afternoon so its starting to cool off. But this is actually right before his bath time so it works well,

Kevin and I celebrated or 6th wedding anniversary on the 4th its hard to believe its been six years. Now I hear of this old wives tale about if you make it past the seven year itch you will make it. I have not heard of this before but that will make another post in and of itself.

Dillon is creeping slowly toward 13months already and we have his one year check up scheduled for the 24th of this month,this was the earliest they could get him in. I tried a different pediatrician but left without really seeing the dr because they made me feel so uncomfortable.This weekend we will be going to stay with Kevins mom and we will be attending a birthday party for Bradley which is Dillons friend who was born three weeks after Dillons birth.