Here is the story, sorry it took so long to post!
Things got started Tuesday night at about 11pm I started feeling sick to my stomach, so I got on up in order to not disturb Kevin. I spent the next few hours on the bathroom floor near the toliet with a damp cold washcloth. I never did end up actually getting sick but felt like I would. The funniest part was hubby and had been fishing the day or two before and there were crickets in the bathtub and they were emitting the most wonderful smell so inbetween my waves of nausau I had to remove the crickets by sitting them outside in a trashcan(they were in one of those little fishing containers) on our front stairs.I noticed that I was having contractions but could only tell if I put my hand on stomach,they were not painful and could not really be timed. Kevin went on to work that morning and my day was pretty normal. That night we stayed up preety late watching television. I had been losing my mucus plug for over a week now and went to the restroom and saw bloody show, my midwife said to call when this happens. So I put a call in and the doctor was paged inbetween that time I started having contractions that were painful enough I could time them. They would range from two to six minutes apart. The doctor called me back about two hours later and basically said it was up to me as to if I wanted to go in but it was probably fine to wait it out at home. My contractions got to two to three minutes apart with some still being five minutes apart. I got Kevin up about 2am and we headed in to the hospital since we were forty five minutes away. The nurses hooked me up for a nst and wanted to do a 30 minute strip for the midwife to see. I was admitted and told the midwife would check me at 8 or so that morning. They did check me when I got there and I was 1-2 cm, the midwife checked me and I was still 1-2cm so she said if I was trying to go natural it would be better to go home and come back when they are 3minutes apart consistently and all the same length. So we headed home and Kevin went on to work even after being up all night. I tried to rest but the contractions were too painful I only had back labor the whole entire time I was in labor. I did get a little rest but woke up in the most pain ever,going back and forth between laying over the back of the couch and the birthing ball using contraction master to time the contractions. Finally at 6 or so Kevin came home we ate and he went to bed, he only go an hour before I called the midwife and told her I couldn't take it anymore I was beyond exhausted and ready for some relief. She said just to come in when we get ready and the nurses would keep her updated. She was totally understanding and agreed I needed some rest. So to Kevins dismay I woke him up and told him the contractions were closer togather and I wanted to go in and get an epidural and be checked. We went on in and I was hugging the handle at the top of the door every time I would contract during the 45 minute drive. Once we got there I remember laying on the water fountain with my pillow as I could hardly hold myself up due to the pain. They hooked me up for another nst, got me admitted and iv put in. They had to get in at least a bag and a half before giving the epidural. The anestieologist came in and was so professional and helpful in answering our questions. Kevin stepped out while I got the epidural and it wasn't near as painful as the contractions. I was able to finally sleep even though the epi made my heart feel funny. I dilated to 5 by 2am and then they gave me a bolus of fentanyl(a different anes.) and soon after I told dh get the nurse I feel spacey headed and my heart feels funny. Dillons heartrate dropped so they put me on oxygen and it came back up. Dh said I passed out for a second. I was dilated to a good eight when the midwife came in, she also noted that he was sunny side up and started pitocin so that my contractions would be really strong and also turned off the epi. She warned me a csection might be a possibility and of course I freaked a little. A little later she broke my water and we were all surprised at how it came out dhs mom and dh were trying to cover our drinks on the table that was nearby lol. I dilated to a 10 and she started trying to turn him which was extrememly painful but neccessary. She called in the other doctor to start the vacuum extractor. After about 30 minutes of pushing and the vacuum he came out and onto my belly. They gave me a small episiotomy of the skin but didn't have to cut the muscle. So I had to get stitched up which also was very painful. We spent the rest of the day snuggly with our little 6lbs 3oz baby boy 19 inches long. Kevin and his mother went with him to get his bath and while they got me moved to a room. We stayed an extra day in the hospital to make sure he didn't get jaundice since the bruise he developed during delivery could indicate the start of jaundice. Finally on 5/23 Dillon got to ride in the car and see his new home for the first time.
The three of us are doing well although the first two days were hard, he is on a better schedule and sleeps preety well at night. Nurses every two to three hours but sometimes goes four. Yesterday we had a bad day he has acid reflux and spit up so much that I had to change pants but we modified his feeds and leave sitting up for 30 minutes afterward and so far that is helping. As of last tuesday all checked out well at the peds office and he gained 3oz go back for a check on Friday.Went on in Thursday due to stomach problems he either has acid reflux or a milk allergy, I am cutting dairy out of my diet for three days and we will see what happens. He weighs 6lbs 8oz now so woohoo on gaining his birth weight back and more.
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