Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hindsight and Eyesight,Ketchup too!

Geez I am so horrible about keeping this updated, so time for getting out the ketchup. I thought of a funny childhood memory as I wrote ketchup verses catch up. In the second grade my teacher would put a ketcup bottle up at the front of the classroom and whenever she did this was our time to work on unfinished assignments so that is where the title comes from. As I went to write this I had to look back at my last post since its been so long.

So what has Dillon been up to lately
*32 weeks weighing in at 4lbs 1oz
*36 weeks fluid levels back up from 7 measuring 8-10
*I passed the group b strep test
*37 weeks Non Stress Test looks good
*38 weeks Good NST, I am starting to efface but no dilation yet
*39 week appt on Friday 5/15 AFI check and cervical check

In other news around week 36 I started to expeirence some visual changes in one eye. I noticed flash spots like when someone takes a picture using a flash but these spots are constant. It has increasingly gotten worse so I visited the eye doctor and he was unable to find anything wrong. At this point I am mainly functioning with my left eye with not much vision in my right eye. The only thing my midwife can relate it to is more fluid and blood volume possibly putting pressure on a nerve. I am hoping and praying this is the problem as that will mean delivery of this little man will be the cure. The midwife and I discussed induction due to the vision problem but with no dilation it would be best if I can just be patient and wait it out. So as hard as it is I am patiently waiting and currently at 9 days until my due date. The first week that the vision got really bad I was very emotional some of it hormones but some of it fear and concern for my eyesight. Trying not to borrow trouble and think about what it could be or having to take care of a newborn with only one eye functioning. Kevin and I had a good talk and I was able to get him to talk to me instead of doing the whole guy thing and keeping all his fears in so after the talk I felt more supported and like he is with me through all of this.

38 weeks and counting........................

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