Monday, May 30, 2011

Lyrics worth repeating

I wanted to continue my last post a little bit, this song came to mind, I really love the words to this song. it is well said and alot of  what is said is the key to what many have lost focus of in the recent years. The song is titled, "Love is not a fight" and in another part it says but its something worth fighting(Here is the link:Love is not a fight~ Warren Barfield )for.

The first verse says:

Love is not a place to come and go as we please. Its a house we enter into and commit to never leave. I cry when I hear this song because its so easy to lose focus of love and its simplicity in our day to day complications.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A balancing act

As I was getting ready this morning, I saw some text on the front of, "Parents" magazine that said something along the lines of, keep your marraige alive. I started thinking back over this past year and how marraige is such a private topic. Especially problems in your marraige, its like where all scared we might end up on the cover of people's magazine. Now I am not saying we should not have degrees of modesty when it comes to our own personal relationships but I wonder how many couples have thrown in the towel because they thought imperfections equals failure. Imperfections happen to be the key to relationships, working through them. Maybe for some time imperfections stay at bay but usually only for a short time. Many people told me that usually the first year of marraige is the hardest, ha not for us, to me this past year our first year with a child has been the hardest but also one of the best. I think marraige mirrors our spirtual relationship with God as he uses our hurts and pitfalls to refine us. Our hard times in marraige call us to refine our relationship with each other and examine our priorities. The reason why parenthood has been our hardest era is because it calls for a balance of priorities, for us to keep our spouses first and children second. A parent child bond is so strong it makes love in general hard to master .   More to come in next post!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dillon is the big ONE continued

Pardon my phone, it cut me off so I had to go ahead and publish that post so here it is continued.

I guess you always think about what you will teach your children and i just never realized how much he would teach me. I love him so very much and saying thank you Lord will never be enough.

D still only has two teeth, he is on similac soy and we tried soy silk milk and it made him spit up way to much so the GI dr has told us to stick with the forumla. He tried cake for the first time this weekend and liked the icing more than the cake.

Dillon is the big ONE

Wow has it really been a year since I had my little man, on Saturday the 21st we had a birthday party and alot of friends and family came. It was so nice see everyone and Dillon loved it, he ran around trying to get into everyones food and drinks and loved his cake. With a little help from dad he got into the cake with both hands. It was so fun to celebrate him as a person and the gift he is to all of us.

Dillon has taught me so much about being a parent and a wife,friend, and daughter. He has taught me so much about being selfless even in the times that I do not want to be and would love to sleep in and do my own thing. He has taught what true unconditional love is and I find myself saying things like if we get in a car accident as long as he is ok then all is well. You lose focus of worrying about yourself and own wellbeing but in

Pray for this precious family

My heart breaks for them, praying God grants them strength